Sixth In Italian. One of six equal parts.: Details of how to count in italian with cardinal and ordinal numbers.

Here is a very famous. Over 100,000 italian translations of english words and phrases.
Jodie Pensava Di Vincere La Corsa, Perciò Rimase.
There are also a german and a french chord, and there may or may not be a swiss and a dutch chord….
The Upper/Lower Sixth (Brit, Scol) ~L'ultimo/Il Penultimo Anno Di Scuola Superiore → Fifth.
More italian words for sixth.
112 Vocabulary Terms With Sound.
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This Is The Only Augmented Sixth Chord Comprising Just Three Distinct Notes;
It's written this way because of the usual resolution in classical music.
The Upper/Lower Sixth (Brit, Scol) ~L'ultimo/Il Penultimo Anno Di Scuola Superiore → Fifth.
Jodie pensava di vincere la corsa, perciò rimase.
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